Michel Jadoul

Michel Jadoul


Michel Jadoul

Brussels, BEL


Prof. M. Jadoul received his MD degree in 1983 at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain), Brussels, Belgium. He has been chairing the Division of Nephrology of the Cliniques Univ. St Luc for 20 years (2003-2023), and was Full Clinical Professor(now just emeritus) at UCLouvain. His clinical activities include the follow-up of hemodialysis and CKD patients.

His main research interests have included beta2m amyloidosis, hepatitis C and other complications (falls, bone fractures, sudden death a.o.) in Hemodialysis patients, as well as CV complications after kidney TP and various causes of kidney disease (especially drugs). He has (co)-authored over 360 scientific papers, most of them published in major nephrology journals. His H index is 64. He is an Associate Editor of NDT. He has been country co-investigator for the DOPPS (2001-2023).

He received in 2008 the international distinguished medal of the National Kidney Foundation. He has been a member of the KDIGO Executive Committee (2010-2015), and of the ERA Council (2013-2016). He has cochaired the 2008 KDIGO HCV in CKD Guideline and the updates in 2018 and 2022 and is KDIGO cochair since januari 1st 2019.