Bruno Garcia
Bruno Garcia
Bruno Garcia
Lille, FRA
Dr. Bruno Garcia is specialized in internal medicine and critical care medicine in Lille, France. He completed his Ph.D. at Erasme Hospital, Brussels, Belgium, under the guidance of Prof Jacques Creteur and Prof Fabio Taccone, vice-chair of the ISICEM congress. His research is centered on the impact of both the classical and alternative renin-angiotensin systems during sepsis, using large experimental models and clinical studies.
He spent 6 months working at the University of California, San Francisco, under the guidance of Prof Matthieu Legrand, focusing on the relationship between renin-angiotensin system disturbances and acute kidney injury in various conditions. Dr. Garcia is also an active member of the French College of Critical Care Medicine, contributing to various educational books, and is a member of the Young French Society of Critical Care Medicine.